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Guess what came today? My new little toy! It certainly does not replace Steve’s Music-A-Go-Go, my 20G iPod. Rather, Steve’s Music Chiclet will be a side ‘Pod, where I can tote my new music, favorite songs, and podcasts with greater ease for quick jaunts in the car or to the beach or whatnot.

And to think I almost got a Shuffle! Thank God I was patient this time, though the patience vanished like wilderness under the watch of an oil-based President, for as soon as I saw the Nano, I ordered it.

A couple more pics to follow. Click them all to see them bigger. These are all from my phone, BTW, which is why they SUCK MAJOR ASS.

Beautifully packaged, of course. And the two ‘Pods got along just fine.

It is truly a tiny, beautiful marvel. I want to eat it. Thus its name.

1 Comment

The Wren Forum » Bigger than Nano Expounded Thusly:

[…] What is this, déjà vu? Okay, so I got a Nano just over a month ago. What the hell am I htinking getting another big iPod? Well, my trusty old iPod has been nearly out of space for a while. It’s also lacking features I want. So when Apple announced the new iPods last week, they had what I’d been waiting for. Not video exactly, though that will be fun, but the huge color screen and video and remote through the new dock. I nabbed one immediately using my trusty Disney discount. The thing was shipped two days ago directly from the factory in China. Yes, it got here in two days. That was with the free ground shipping! […]

Wednesday, October 19th, 2005 • 2:26pm • Permalink • This is a Pingback


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