I just accidentally deleted a nice comment from somebody. However, their homepage was a pharmacy drug site. So maybe it was a spam posting. Who knows? Sorry if it was legit, and not really sorry if it wasn’t.
To answer my own question from a couple days ago, I was not foolish. Though it delayed the finality of the breakup a bit. Strange. It was the most prolonged breakup I’ve ever experienced. Now I’m sad in a very calm, thoughtful way. A Zen sadness. But this, like candy in a nice assortment box, shall end.
In another note, I saw a friend in the play Wit Saturday night. I have never experienced a performance so moving by a friend of mine. I think it was more moving for me because, though I know her and could see very well that was her on stage, she inhabited the role so perfectly that I cried despite it. I cried silently and in a manly way, of course *AHEM!* Susie, I am in awe of your talent.
What an emotional weekend! I’m pooped.