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Some famous filmmakersPoor Wil Wheaton. I feel sorry for him. So misunderstood.

Arrived in Tokyo a few hours ago after a 14 1/2 hour flight from NYC. Why is it that no matter how much sleep you get on an airplane, you’re still tired when you arrive?

We’re staying at the Four Seasons at Chinzan-so, which is the nice Four Seasons but not the right Four Seasons, I’m told — its location is not central enough to make it hip. It is popular, though — there were 30 weddings here today.

My friend Matthew and his boyfriend Ronaldo just took my colleague Tom and me out for dinner at a yakitori restaurant, then for a quick drink (which is what I still call it when I drink Sprite, after all, liquid is being consumed). Tomorrow, Tom is going to see the city on his own while Matthew, Ronaldo and I go to Tokyo DisneySea. This will complete my Disney theme-park experience: As of tomorrow evening, I will have been to every Disney theme park in the world. That’s something that even THX himself could be proud of accomplishing.

Which is a brilliant segue (right? RIGHT?) to THX 1138. Thought I would share one of the highlights of the evening — having some of the most famous directors of the 1970s and 1980s attend our event. In the photo are, from left to right: Milos Forman, Martin Scorcese, Brian De Palma, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola and Paul Schrader.

The battery in my camera gave out before I could get a shot of me talking to Caviezel and Vincent Gallo, who were both incredibly nice and friendly and genuinely interesting.

The whole thing makes this Star Wars junket kind of anti-climactic.

1 Comment

Steve Expounded Thusly:

Wow! That’s an amazing lineup! But where’s Katherine Bigelow? She’s a GENIUS!!! 😐

Monday, September 13th, 2004 • 12:56pm • Permalink


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