Did you find any taboo in that hidden cave? Was Vincent Price there?
Those are wonderful pictures…I’m jealous.
No…not James Franco. I guess I’ll have to give you another guess or two. That seems only fair as there are always 3 guesses. 😉
Before I guess which former classmate that is, I have to post this link to some of my Kauai pictures. They are quick and dirty until I get some good ones up on this site later on.
Now, acting class AND that BBQ we all still talk about? Hmm… James Franco?
In that case, Hi Steve! I sent you an email (I think) so you probably know who I am, but if not, don’t peek. I’ll give you three hints and one guess. 🙂 1.Acting Class (I think we were 5). 2.Trip to Europe (I think it was ’85). 3.4th of July at your parents’ restaurant right after it closed with friends. Jay and I thought we were creating an amazing grilled chicken breast (I think the rest of you had burgers) which turned out plain and took forever and a day to thaw. It was a ton of fun though. Ok, so do you have a guess?
I’m back from Kauai, everyone!
Hello? Hello? Anyone here?
Well, no matter. I will post this hilarious picture for my own amusement.