Another public service:
Beware the power of poorly-hidden Christianity. In this Wired magazine article, proponents of Intelligent Design make inroads into Ohio public schools. Intelligent Design is nothing but religion disguised as science, a “theory” created by a conservative think tank.
Science is slapped in the face.
thatmattdude Expounded Thusly:
Actually the idea of intelligent design is much more than just a trojan horse created by conservatives to infiltrate the school system. Yes it may be used and manipulated in that way but the idea or “theory” in itself.. is just that.. a theory. Everyone doesnt have to think like you, do they?
John Expounded Thusly:
Seems to me it’s less than a “theory,” since a theory can ultimately be proven or disproven using scientific/observational methods that hold up to scrutiny. Nothing about “intelligent design,” based on the little I know, seems to indicate it’s anything but an attempt to force creationism through the back door. After all, when I fly to another country, there is absolutely nothing to my eye that indicates we are flying around a sphere — all direct observation indicates that the surface of the Earth is entirely flat. And certainly for thousands and thousands of years that was the prevailing wisdom, written down in hundreds of books and papers. Given that, shouldn’t we teach in schools that some people still hold that the Earth is, indeed, flat, and that there is absolutely no proof otherwise? After all, since only a few people at any given time are “in space,” is there any actual positive PROOF that they are where they say they are, and that the photographic “evidence” of a round earth is not anything more than images created by people who want us to believe what scientists say is “the truth”? That argument, carried to its logical conclusion, is about as valid as “intelligent design.”
Steve Expounded Thusly:
“Intelligent design” as a concept of course encompasses a creator and the Christian God. It can include many other concepts as well. But if you actually take the time to read the article, the Discovery Institute uses the concept as a method for creationism to be taught in public schools and to debunk Darwinism. It IS religion disguised as science.
thatmattdude. Expounded Thusly:
Steve Expounded Thusly:
And I now freely admit I made a mistake: ID itself was not created by a conservative think tank, the Discovery Institute was, and DI uses ID as its tool to get creationism in public schools (and elsewhere!) using pseudo-scientific jargon and arguments that sound logical but are nothing but B.S.
Their argument that alternative viewpoints should be studied in public schools is dangerous and misleading, because there is no science, no proof, no evidence of intelligent design. Just specualtion. John’s argument works very well–the flat earth thing.
So I’M the one who gets to sigh! SIGH!
This one here Expounded Thusly:
thank you.
(i just had to take part in all of the sighing.)
woe is me Expounded Thusly:
My “sigh” didn’t come out properly because I encased it in the triangle-like HTML brackets like a stupid goof.
thatmattdude Expounded Thusly:
sigh! x2
Your attempt at admitting your mistake is so wrapped around your rant that I wonder if anyone even noticed the mistake.
but it is YOUR blog so I respect that you can say whatever you choose to say.
Incredulous Steve Expounded Thusly:
What the hell are you talking about? My “attempt at admitting” my mistake? I did not attempt to admit my mistake, I DID admit my mistake. “Wrapped around my rant”? My rant has nothing to do with the mistake; it’s legitimate regardless of where ID came from or who created it. You “wonder if anyone even noticed the mistake”? Only if they read the article, which you didn’t. I realized my mistake later and admitted it.
BTW, the article talks about who first offered the argument that was to later become ID. Maybe you should read it.
If you’re just trying to be a passive-aggressive dickhead or want to make me feel bad, go do it on Van’s blog.
thatmattdude Expounded Thusly:
dude. whats up your ass! That was a low blow.
Steve Expounded Thusly:
Yes. It was a low blow.
The Wren Forum » Evolution NOW! Expounded Thusly:
[…] Despite the irrelevant, off-topic rancor putrefying around my last post on this topic, here is a new discovery that adds another brick to the evolution argument. […]
The Wren Forum » Intelligence vs. Intelligent Design Expounded Thusly:
[…] Of course, we’ve already had lively discussion here on The Wren Forum. Read “Intelligent Bullshit” (and the infamous “dickhead” comment that caused great strife) and “Evolution NOW!” […]
Sorry, I ain't takin' no comments on this page. Deal, y'hear?