Hmm. A German insurance firm is advising its clients to eat more chocolate.
I wonder if Cigna will soon be urging me to enjoy more hot dogs and sodee pop, too. I only want what’s healthiest for my body!
John Expounded Thusly:
a) Why are you on your knees?
b) I thought we were going to “debate”?
Steve Expounded Thusly:
Answers to you questions:
a) My office chair was all the way across the office at my other desk (three whole feet away), so I was too lazy to grab it. I typed this entry, quite literally, on my knees!
b) I will debate some more but do not have the proper amount of time right now. I like your response, however!
c) Pinkerro Napoli
d) The inside of a dog’s mouth
e) Freshly squeezed
John Expounded Thusly:
My answer is d)
Sorry, I ain't takin' no comments on this page. Deal, y'hear?