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I hate to put something above the cool topic John posted below, but, hey, the dynamic of The Wren Forum is like a river. Always flowing and changing!

Besides, who wouldn’t want to read a bunch of links about Macs?

First up: The opening of the first Apple Store in Europe. It’s in London, on Regent Street (I have a pic of Regent Street in the Europe Live thingy.) Apple has some pictures up from the opening this past Saturday, and the BBC has this fun article on the opening. What kind of crazy person would wait days in line for the opening of a store? Here are some first-hand accounts, a (long) movie scoping out the line, and the blog of Stormy Shippy (yes, it seems to be his real name), a guy from Texas who was the first in line. I’d rather Texas breed this kind of wacko than the W kind!

Then there’s the call for Apple to shorten its name; a USA Today examination of the Apple Stores’ success; and a near-doubling of Apple’s target stock price by PiperJaffray (who, I hear, also sells hand-made fruit jams, jellies, and preserves).

It’s a good day to love Macs!

1 Comment

J Expounded Thusly:

Shall I find the store for you when I’m there next week and get a souvenir? 😉

Monday, November 22nd, 2004 • 10:28pm • Permalink


Sorry, I ain't takin' no comments on this page. Deal, y'hear?