How is it possible that The Amazing Race just gets better and better every season? It may be TV’s finest offering … ever.
Rodney Expounded Thusly:
Even better than Desperate Housewives, which I am now totally addicted to now – mostly because of the hunky and mysterious neighbor Mike…
John Expounded Thusly:
Yes, I’m surprised to find myself say it, The Amazing Race is even better than Desperate Housewives (young John isn’t hunkier than Mike?) and Lost, my other two favorite shows.
What other show gives you a tension-filled race; klutzy people doing tough challenges; people you truly love and people you truly (and this season it’s really, deeply, truly) despise; incredible scenery; a geography lesson; a psychology lesson; a sociology lesson; and, if all that weren’t enough, a couple of hunky guys who take their shirts off? (Not to mention a couple of non-hunky guys who really shouldn’t ever take their shirts off in the presence of a camera but do anyway?)
Rodney Expounded Thusly:
Those shirtless non-hunks are every guy I’ve ever known…
There’s something about this reality stuff – I prefer my TV fictional – like my love life. Oh, wait….hmmmm. Although, everyone I know loves the Amazing Race.
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