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Ladies and Gentlemen…

No, really, ladies and gentlemen…

I HAVE FINISHED. I have finished painting the apartment. As of right now, the kitchen is done, and I have nothing more to paint. Mostly. But, no, really, I am done. DONE. I can not stress this enough, as I have been stressed about it. So it took longer than I ever thought it would, but I’ve been doing other crap to make the apartment a better and more enjoyable living experience as well, and, gosh, it’s just been a monstrous project.

And, my God, it’s painted. Now when I return from Thanksgiving, I will not walk in to floors filled with brushes and buckets and rollers and cans of God-damned Olympic Premium interior eggshell latex paint in Blue Thistle and Candlelit Beige. The hardest part is over.

No, really. It’s painted. Honestly. No more bitching from me about how “Oh, I can’t today. I have to paint the apartment,” or, “I am so sick of painting the apartment.”

Trust me, Rodney, I have wanted to in fact shred the apartment numerous times in the last many weeks.

No, really. Damn, it feels good!


Rodney Expounded Thusly:

Does it really feel good…or is it the paint fumes? Ironically, today I am wearing a Blue Thistle colored shirt and Candlelit Beige colored pants. Who says there’s no such thing as synchronicity? Seriously – conrats on the fancy new look to your place. A man’s home is his castle after all.

Wednesday, November 24th, 2004 • 9:21am • Permalink

John Expounded Thusly:

Congratulations. When do you start refinishing the floors?

Wednesday, November 24th, 2004 • 12:05pm • Permalink

Steve Expounded Thusly:

The floors can go to fucking hell.


Excuse my vehemence! I started with the intention of refinishing the floors as well, but gave up on that idea after being wisely talked out of it by friends and my own self.

And after all this, holy cow in heaven, I’m glad I didn’t bother. I would have been driven mad with Vila’s Disease.

Oh, and Rodney, I sensed there was something wrong in the universe today. I htink your wearing those items was what caused me to skip work and sleep until 2:30 this afternoon!

Wednesday, November 24th, 2004 • 9:14pm • Permalink

Rodney Expounded Thusly:

Damn my mystical wardrobe! Not again…

Saturday, November 27th, 2004 • 3:39pm • Permalink


Sorry, I ain't takin' no comments on this page. Deal, y'hear?