I am soon to leave for the airport. Off to New York for TuHanksGiving. Yes, it’s a red-eye, so I don’t get in until 9:30 tomorrow morning. Oh, and I get to fly through Pittsburgh! What’s in Pittsburgh?
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
John Expounded Thusly:
Hope you had a safe flight. I made two pies tonight. Yes, two. One apple, one mincemeat. Both have handmade, from-scratch crusts. The apple pie has apples personally peeled, cored and sliced by me, as well as my own blend of spices.
Too bad they’ll be wasted on people I don’t even know. My by-gay-partnership “relatives.” Joy.
Rodney Expounded Thusly:
A little Visine is good for that Red-eye. Thankfully, though, it’s not pink-eye. I hope you have (had) a nice Holiday. God bless us, everyone!
Steve Expounded Thusly:
Johnny boy, I hope your pies went over well. Um, I hate to ask this, but who the hell eats mincemeat pies? And is that the one without any meat in it whatsoever, just lots of fruitcake-like fruit?
I need to be educated.
I contracted neither pink eye nor halipotaptiositis during my flight, so I consider the holiday great. I’ll post something more detailed!
John the Pieman Expounded Thusly:
They were the hit of the party. Jeff’s possibly murderous grandfather said that everyone needs to take pie-making lessons from me, particulary crust lessons.
Yes, much to my surprise, people do like mincemeat pies. I got the idea of making one from Desperate Housewives, but I don’t actually like them myself. Though they do smell exactly like Christmas when they’re baking.
Sorry, I ain't takin' no comments on this page. Deal, y'hear?