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Yes, it’s time to post something political. The Social Security thing is starting to rankle me. Well, I mean, it was already rankling me, but I’m just getting ranklier and ranklier that our dumb-ass president can continue to lie to everyone and get away with it. He’s a monster, a liar, and a dickwad.

Yes, George, you are a dickwad!

Please take a moment to read this speech by our lovely senator, Barbara Boxer, who I am begining to like more and more as she stands up to this dickwad administration.

Who in their right minds can think that privatizing Social Security is any good? You’d have to take Security out of the name. But as Madame Boxer says, it is in fact the goal of these dickwads to get rid of Social Security altogether. Yes, what a splend idea!

They have no intention of “fixing” it. They hate it. They want it gone. Because they are rich and could care less about anyone but themselves. Gosh, what dickwads.

Ooooooo! Even my rankles have rankles!

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