It’s that time again… Time for me to point out some of the fine newer features of The Wren Forum. If you have any thoughts on them, good or bad, leave a comment here!
Latest Musings! That handy list in the sidebar will take you to the most recent posts. That’s more handy than a Swiss Army knife!
Categories! I have painstakingly added category tags to all past Wren Forum posts. Now, just by clicking a link in the Categories box in the sidebar, you can view all posts listed in a certain category. Or if you’re as lazy as I am, subscribe to the RSS feed for that category so you won’t miss a single one of my Bush rants! (I was hoping for a drop-down list to keep the Categories box small, but no good code or plug-ins are available. If I ever find one, this will change.)
Search Posts AND Comments! I found a plug-in that will search comments as well as posts. It takes longer, but I feel it’s worth it. Don’t you?
Live Comment Preview! This has been up for a while, but I had to point it out. The little line break glitch aside, this will be very handy for previewing any HTML you add for links or text formatting. And despite fears, this is not live on the site itself until you post it.
Spell Check Comments! Why should posters have all the fun? (A question asked by many a banner, postcard, and leaflet.) Now anyone submitting a comment can see just how atrocious their spelling really is.
Spam Security! Behind the scenes, I have already been receiving lots of comment spam. Luckily, it is caught before appearing on the site, but to make sure it never gets to my approval box in the first place, I have added a code thingy. Sadly, it’s one more step to contend with, but on the plus side, if I find it works well, I will get rid of the comment moderation so comments will be posted immediately in the future.
Now with Stain Fighters! Spill your Coke and Ragú all you want. The Wren Forum is moisture-resistant and colorfast!
Robb Expounded Thusly:
Spallcheeck! What a grate idrea!
Steve Expounded Thusly:
Well, since Prop 2179 didn’t pass yesterday, no one is going to be forced to check their spelling. But I can still use the vast quantities of cash raked in from this site to support the Republican of my own choosing!
Sorry, I ain't takin' no comments on this page. Deal, y'hear?