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Over at, one of its bloggers is actually — wait for it — defending Mr. Lucas. In part:

And the absolute, biggest gripe I have with people about this is when they blame George Lucas for “butchering my childhood”. No! Georgie-boy didn’t butcher, ruin, alter, change, destroy, etc., your childhood because he changed a few movies 20 years later. If all it takes to ruin your childhood is for some old guy you’ve never met to alter a freakin’ movie, then you must have had one f’d up childhood. Your dad on his death bed telling you “I never loved you” would be something that could ruin your childhood. Your mom telling you she was actually a KGB double agent could ruin your childhood. A director changing his own movie has absolutely no effect on one’s childhood.

Quite an interesting fan perspective on Star Wars.

I know that Steve has implied that the blogger over at Epcot Central has essentially the same arguments — namely, making creative changes that irrevocably changed an experience; tinkering with something good only to find it has been lessened.? And while I would never want to imply that Steve’s implications are implicitly wrong, I will say this: In sum, the substantive changes to the Star Wars movies total about, oh, five to seven?minutes out of about 380 minutes of movie. That’s about 1.8 percent of the movies that have changed.

Now, if only 1.8 percent of Epcot had changed substantially over the years, not only would it be hoplessly mired in early 1980s technology and information, but that would mean that about one-third of just one attraction had been significantly altered (if I’m doing my math right). I think that the Epcot guy could probably live with that. Too bad so many Star Wars fans continue to get up in arms over the fact that 98.2 percent of their movies have remained exactly the same (except, of course, for the 100 percent that was restored and remastered a couple of years back).

Ooh, I just love playing devil’s advocate. 🙂

1 Comment

Steve Expounded Thusly:

I SO don’t have time to reply now since I’m busy on the plays and the program for the plays (I haven’t blogged about those yet… for some reason). But I just want to say that I have never said my childhood is ruined. I agree with the guy John quotes that that’s silly. Also, I have to remind everyone that George is allowed to change the movies any way he wants, but he needs to be cognizant of their status as classics of cinema. He may not like that that’s the case, but it is, and instead of pissing everyone off, he should embrace the history of the movies and do what other directors have done by offering the original versions as well. “He’s doing that!” I hear John say, but he’s only doing it in a spiteful, annoying manner. “Oh, hear you go, peasants. You want your stupid, old version? Here it is in a crappy version.” (John will say “crappy” is not true, either, and that the non-animorphic picture will look great once I blow it up on my 16×9 TV. Sorry, it won’t.) Anyway, Lucas could have done more, can afford to do more, but he didn’t.

Also, as regards Epcot, the park has been changed in ways that many don’t like. Star Wars and Empire have been changed in ways that many don’t like. Some of the changes do, I feel, ruin the tone and intelligence of the originals, while some of the changes, like the new CG dogfight at the end of Star Wars, are fantastic and fit perfectly into the movie. Some of the changes to Epcot, some might argue (including me), ruin the tone and intelligence of the original, while some of the changes, like that laser show on the lake, fit perfectly into the park. What’s great about movies is that, as I said, the different versions can be preserved and shared for everyone to enjoy, whichever version they prefer. Why not make use of that great ability? Sadly, previous versions of a beloved place like Epcot can not be preserved.

That is all. Back to my typesetting!

Saturday, July 1st, 2006 • 2:30pm • Permalink


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