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Speaking of Steve Jobs, I have always loved how he does the slides for his presentations. Being in the presentation business myself, I am constantly peeved by the horrible amount of bullets and crap that the BVHE folks throw onto their slides. Our sales meetings would be so much more interesting if our presenters sounded more natural, created a story out of their information, and let the slides behind them be their visual support, no their visual crutch.

And so it is observed at an interesting place called Presentation Zen. In fact, there are a few interesting, if older, observations about the presentation styles of Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates at Presentation Zen.

The first is Bill Gates and Visual Complexity. The second is Gates, Jobs, & the Zen Aesthetic.

Bill Gates and his Complicated Slide Aesthetic

Just look at those messy Microsoft slides! The morass on those slides is a wonderful visual representation of the mess of Microsoft software.

1 Comment

John Expounded Thusly:

Sounds like things have changed a bit at Disney. The MBA/business school mentality seems to be, take everything you would say in a meeting and WRITE IT ON THE SLIDE! Lots of bullet points, lots of words, lots and lots of text up there. I’ve tried, but failed, to get people to understand that the presentation SUPPORTS what you are saying; if people are reading along with you, you might as well just sit silently and tell everyone to raise his/her hand when finished with the current slide.

I used to do lots of presentations with DCP and the studio A/V group. Our support slides would often be textless (sometimes just images) or just one or two words that visually supported what the speech was saying. It seemed to flow naturally, to be the most logical way to make a presentation — big or small.

Alas, I am afraid I am actually forgetting how to do that.

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006 • 10:54pm • Permalink


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